Here are descriptions of products and product reviews for items related to fitness testing. Topend Sports does not sell many of these products directly, we review and sometimes provide links to other sites where you can purchase them.
If you have any questions about the purchase of products, please contact the product suppliers directly. If you are setting up a testing laboratory, you may be interested in my list of essential Fitness Testing Items.
We have many of these items listed in our online store, and also some digital downloads.
DVDs, CDs, MP3s
- Beep Test — buying guide and links to where you can buy the test audio and related products.
- Abdominal Curl Test mp3 — the audio file to conduct a sit up beep test at a set rate which measures abdominal muscle function.
- Press-Up test mp3 — the audio file to conduct a push-up beep test at a set rate which measures abdominal muscle function.
- Bench Press mp3 — the audio file to conduct a bench press upper body endurance test at a set rate.
- PACER test cd — 15 and 20m versions, with tracks of the cadence for the sit-up and push-up tests included.
- Chester Step Test cd — a sub-maximal stepping test of aerobic fitness commonly used in the UK.
- NCF Abdominal Curl Conditioning Test cd — a progressive sit-up test which measures the function of the abdominal muscles and hip-flexor.
Guides and Books
- Fitness Testing Books — some fitness testing books for sale

Fitness Testing Equipment
- Vertical Jump Apparatus — reviews of the different types of measurement apparatus and links to where you can buy these: Wall Mounted, Vertec®, Vertical Jump mat, Just Jump mat, ChronoJump, Laser operated optoelectronic device, Wearable systems, Force Plate, Video Systems, Optojump.
- Skinfold Calipers — Harpenden, Slim Guide, Fat Track, Skyndex, Lange, Accu-measure, Lafayette, Warrior, Personal Tester, Defender, Digital.
- Handgrip Dynamometers — about dynamometers for measuring grip strength, including the Camry, MCS, Jamar and Smedley.
- All-in-one fitness testing machines — one piece of equipment to do a range of fitness tests.
- Tape Measures — such as the MyoTape and Digital Tape Measure
- Ergometers — Cycling, Running (Treadmills) and Rowing — a discussion and comparison of different apparatus that are available for fitness tests.
- Baby Length Scale — for the accurate measurement of recumbent body length (height) in infants up to 3 years old.
- Stadiometer — for height measurement.
- Smart Bodyweight Scales — body mass scales with blue tooth connection, usually with body fat measures using biological impedance.
- Force Plates — instruments that measure ground reaction forces.
- Timing Gates — a review of system requirements for sprint testing.
- Radar — radar devices to detect the speed of objects.
- Foot Pods — devices which use inertial sensor technology (accelerometers) to measure running speed.
- Posture Grid — for the simple assessment of posture.
- Global Positioning Systems — review of using GPS to track movements in the world of sports.
- Nike SPARQ Test Pro — a testing and training shoe that has been specifically designed to assist athletes to achieve their maximum score during testing events.
- Reaction Timers:
- Reaction Sticks — simple devices to measure your reaction time. Or you can Make your own
- Electronic Reaction Timers — small gadgets and toys that can measure reaction time.
- Batak System — device for measuring complex reaction movements.
- Flexibility
- Sit and Reach Box
- Goniometers — for measuring the range of motion around a joint, such as the steel goniometer and goniometer set.
- Curl-Up Measuring Strip — for use with the Brockport and Fitnessgram curl up test.
- Heart Rate Monitors
- Stopwatch
- Standing Long Jump
- Marker Cones
Software and Games
- Fitness Testing Phone Apps — Beep Test Apps and Yo-Yo Test Apps for the iphone and ipad, plus several more.
- Team Beep Test — the most versatile and useful software for conducting and recording results of the bleep / beep test, with results recorded directly onto your computer.
- Body Tracker — quickly and easily calculate and track your body fat percentage.
- Wii Fit program — review of the Wii Fit ‘Body Test’ series of tests, short and simple set of activities used to measure selected body parameters.
- Myotest — a review of the Myotest wireless hand-held device which provides quantitative measures of an athlete's muscular performance in just five minutes.
- Fat Calculator Software — a free software download for easy estimation of body fat percent.
- FitnessAge — about the online tool to assess your fitness and give you a measure of your fitness age.
- Energy Test — an online fitness assessment tool which uses the results of a series of physical tests to determine the Energy Index.
- Polar BodyAge — equipment and software to calculate a person's physical body age based on results of a few simple fitness tests.
Testing Kits & Programs
- Brockport Physical Fitness Test — information about buying products associated with the Brockport Test, such as the Testing Manual, Training Guide, Video and computer software.
- FitnessGram — information about buying products associated with the FitnessGram and ActivityGram Test Programs.
Online Stores
Books and other fitness testing products from the Amazon online store are available from this website. You can go to the store home page, or go directly to the specific shopping areas as listed below. There is also more digital downloads.
- Health products such as Blood Pressure monitors, ECG monitors, Spirometer
- Accessories such as Cones, Stop Watches, Tape Measures
- Aerobic machines such as Exercise Bikes and Treadmills
- Weight Scales and Height Stadiometers
- Measuring Flexibility, also Goniometers
- Heart Rate Monitors
- Standing Long Jump
- Vertical Jump Apparatus
- Medicine Ball
- Sit and Reach boxes
- Skinfold Calipers
- Strength Dynamometers
- Timing Gates and Radar for speed measurement.
- T-Shirts — fitness and fitness testing designs from the Topend Sports store
Related Pages
- Fitness Testing Gift List ideas
- Calibrating fitness testing equipment
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