In our attempt to determine the world's most popular sport, it was clear that there are regional differences in the popularity of sports, and sometimes this creates bias in the analysis.
For example, a very popular sport in India may have a large total number of players or fans, but such support may not be widespread. Regional differences also affect the methods used, as some analyses based on internet search traffic have only looked at English sport terms, and so limits the sample to parts of the world that speak English and have a computer too.
Here are some attempts to quantify the popularity of sports in the regions of the world.
- National Federations in Each Region — the top 10 sports based on the number of National Federations for that sport in each of the world's major regions: Africa, America, Asia, Europe and Oceania. These lists give an indication of how widely each of the sports are played within the region.
- Top Sports by Country — find out which sports are more popular in certain countries of the world.
- Top Countries by Sport — find out in which countries sports are most popular.
Related Pages
- See also a ranking of sports based on the total number of National Federations for each sport.
- other top 10 lists of the world's most popular sports
- Other world sport lists