Frequently Asked Questions
Q. How often should I strength train if my goal is to burn fat?
A. 2-3 times per week would be great! You will build muscle tissue,
which burns calories 24 hours a day, and you will decrease the
chance for excess calories to be stored as fat!
Q. What if I don't want to bulk up? I just want to tone.
A. If it were that easy to bulk or get big nearly every guy in
the gym would be huge] Women generally don't have the genetic
potential to build large muscles due to hormonal differences.
Plus, don't forget that adding muscle tissue to your body is a
good thing! It makes everything you do much easier, reduces the
chance for injury, and increases your metabolism!
Q. How many sets and repetitions should I do?
A. This will vary depending upon your goal. If you are training
to increase strength, due fewer sets but higher intensity (1-2
sets to failure per exercise). If training for muscle size, perform
multiple sets (2-4 sets, but only 1 to failure). The number of
repetitions will vary also depending upon the speed at which you
move the weight and your goals. In general, shoot for 8-12 reps.
Q. How do I lose the flab on the back of my arm or my spare tire?
A. It is physically impossible to only lose fat in one area. What
you can do is decrease body fat by burning more calories than
you consume. Increase muscle tissue with strength training and
burn more calories all day long, even while you are sleeping!
Q. What are the benefits of strength training?
A. Strength training, if done correctly, can make some major changes
to your body and mind! Here are just a few:
- Increased metabolism
- Increased strength and flexibility
- Increased muscle tone
- Reduced stress levels
Related Pages
- Resistance training programs
- Strength Training Principles — understanding why and how to train.
- Strength Training Equipment
- What are the highest ranking strength sports?
- Fitness Testing FAQs
- Stretching FAQ