The Spiderman push-up exercise is a variation of the standard push-up, that adds in hip flexion. Named as the action resembles Spider-Man climbing up a wall, but just on the floor. The spider-man push-up is excellent for improving hip flexibility and incorporating an oblique crunch. This exercise is part of the Superhero workout.
Equipment Required: none
- Start in the standard push-up position, with your hands under your shoulders and your body in a straight line
- As you lower your torso towards the floor, bend your elbows out to the side.
- At the same time, lift one foot off the floor, bend the knee to the side up to hip level.
- As you press back up, return the leg back to the starting position.
- Repeat this action, alternating sides.
Key points to remember
- Keep the hips off the floor, and try to minimize rotation of the hips
- Stabilize and activate the core muscle groups.
Exercise Alternatives
- You can bring your knee further forward to touch it to your elbow.
Push Up Alternatives
- Dumbbell Press
- Similar beach exercises: push-up, incline push-up, wall press
- Home Push Up
- Pregnancy Wall Press Up
- Weightlifting Bench Press Exercise
Related Pages
- This exercise is part of the Superhero workout
- All about Push Ups
- A Simple Push-Up Fitness Test that can be done at home
- Push up fitness tests
- World Records for Push Ups