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Sports Dietitian / Nutritionist Courses

Sports Dietician provides a client with the daily nutrition education needed to further improve performance as an athlete. They help athletes to develop a healthy diet and a healthy lifestyle.

The Job Description

Sports Dietician advice clients on what they should eat. After a thorough assessment, a diet plan will be given to the athlete to help improve performance in sports. After some time, the effect of the diet plan will be evaluated. The results will determine if changes are necessary. A Sports Dietician can work as a Sports Nutritionist, part-time consultant or an employee to an organization.


The Job Requirements

A person who wants to become a Sports Dietician must hold a bachelor's degree in clinical nutrition from an accredited University. Some employers are looking for a Sports Dietician with a 2-year experience in nutrition counselling, while some employers are searching for fresh graduates. Furthermore, a Sports Dietician must have good communication skills, ability to assess body composition, knowledge about health needs and self-motivation.

Education Requirements for Sports Dietician?

For a student who wants to become a Sports Dietician, a Nutritionist degree from an accredited University is needed. Other related fields such as degree in food sciences or food services are also allowed. As per American Fitness Professionals and Associates, most of the employers require at least an associate degree. Some schools are offering a degree program for sports nutrition. On the other hand, the Sports Nutrition Specialist designation only require a high school diploma and knowledge of sports and nutrition.

Courses by Country

International / Online

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