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Step Up Exercise


Equipment Required: a short step and stable even ground (for safety reasons, make sure that the platform you are using is secure).

step ups exercise suitable for during pregnancyTechnique

  1. Start by standing with your feet a little less than shoulder-width apart, about a foot in front of a step which is approximately 12-18 inches high. Allow your arms to hang comfortably down by your sides.
  2. Keep your back straight and step up with your left leg.
  3. With a steady and controlled motion slowly pull yourself up onto the bench using only your left leg.
  4. Step down off the step with your right foot first and then the left foot and return to the starting position.
  5. Repeat this action, alternating the leading leg each time.
  6. Do approximately 20 to 30 total repetitions.

Key points to remember


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