This section is dedicated to all things concerning fitness testing, with over 400 fitness tests described, information about conducting and interpreting assessment results, plus much more.
Testing Resources (more)
- Equipment — information and links for fitness testing equipment.
- Fitness Testing Store — heaps of fitness testing items for sale.
- Fitness Testing Guide Book — free online source of all you need to know about fitness assessment.
- Fitness Testing Images — clipart, photos and video collections.
- Calculators — a wide range of fitness calculators.
Specific Groups (more)
- Sport Specific Testing — testing protocols for evaluation in specific sports.
- Home Tests — simple fitness tests that can be done at home with minimal equipment.
- Workplace Fitness Assessments — discussion and list of tests performed in the armed forces and the like.
- Fitness assessment for the Obese and Overweight, the Elderly and the Young.
Help (more)
- Search — search all pages of this website.
- FAQ — a list of frequently asked questions and their answers.
- Glossary — browse the glossary of fitness testing and fitness terms.
- Contact Me — if all else fails, you can always try asking me your question.
Test Procedures (more)
- All Tests — browse the complete list of over 400 fitness tests.
- Categories — tests sorted into the specific components of fitness to easily find what you are after.
- Multistage Fitness Test (Beep) — all about the popular 20m shuttle run, beep or bleep test.
- Skinfold Testing — measuring body fat levels.
- Home Testing — a series of simple fitness tests that anyone can do at home to monitor their fitness.
- See the tests in action in the fitness testing video section.
Latest Pages Added
- Juggling Coordination Test [Sep '24]
- Run 2 Cricket Speed Test [Jul '24]
- Audio Reation Time [Apr '24]
- Hop and Stop Test [Feb '24]
- Agility COD Deficit Test [Feb '24]
- Fitness Testing for Pickleball [Feb '24]
- Anthropometry for Sports [Nov '23]
- Fitness Testing for Weight Loss [Aug '23]
- Exercise Modes [Nov '22]
- Walking Tests [Nov '22]