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Standing Long Jump Test (Broad Jump) 

The Standing long jump, also called the Broad Jump, is a common and easy to administer test of explosive leg power. It is one of the fitness tests in the NFL Combine. The standing long jump was also once an event at the Olympic Games, and is also an event in Sports Hall competitions in the UK and part of the power quadrathlon and jumps decathlon assessment.

standing long jump teststanding long jump test

test purpose: to measure the explosive power of the legs

equipment required: tape measure to measure distance jumped, non-slip floor for takeoff, and soft landing area preferred. Commercial Long Jump Landing Mats are also available.

pre-test: Explain the test procedures to the subject. Perform screening of health risks and obtain informed consent. Prepare forms and record basic information such as age, height, body weight, gender and test conditions. Check and calibrate the equipment if required. Perform a standard warm-up. The take off line should be clearly marked. See more details of pre-test procedures.

procedure: The athlete stands behind a line marked on the ground with feet slightly apart. A two foot take-off and landing is used, with swinging of the arms and bending of the knees to provide forward drive. The subject attempts to jump as far as possible, landing on both feet without falling backwards. Three attempts are allowed. See some long jump video examples.

scoring: The measurement is taken from take-off line to the nearest point of contact on the landing (back of the heels). Record the longest distance jumped, the best of three attempts. The table below gives a rating scale for the standing long jump test for adults, based on personal experiences. See some athlete results for the long jump test. You can also use this calculator to convert cm to feet and inches.

  males females
rating (cm) (feet, inches) (cm) (feet, inches)
excellent > 250 > 8' 2.5" > 200 > 6' 6.5'
very good 241-250 7' 11" — 8' 2.5" 191-200 6' 3" — 6' 6.5'
above average 231-240 7' 7" — 7' 10.5" 181-190 5' 11.5" — 6' 2.5"
average 221-230 7' 3" — 7' 6.5" 171-180 5' 7.5" — 5' 11"
below average 211-220 6' 11" — 7' 2.5" 161-170 5' 3.5" — 5' 7"
poor 191-210 6' 3" — 6' 10.5" 141-160 4' 7.5" — 5' 2.5"
very poor < 191 6' 3" < 141 < 4' 7.5"

variations / modifications: A long jump landing pit is sometimes used instead of a hard surface, which enables the subject to confidently put more effort into the jump, and to extend the legs further in front of the body for landing. This technique also allows those with greater skill to score longer jumps, which is undesirable if you are trying to test for leg power only. Generally longer distances should be achieved with this technique, so the norm table above would not be accurate. The Eurofit Test recommends using a graduated mat for ease of recording jump distance on the landing surface.

advantages: this test is simple and quick to perform, requiring minimal equipment.

disadvantages: there is some skill component in this test.

comments: Falling or stepping backward after the landing will result in measurement to that point of contact rather than where the feet first touched. Some participants will try to use a step at take-off, which is not allowed. The World Record for the standing long jump is held by Norwegian Arne Tvervaag, who jumped 3.71 meters (12 feet 2.1 inches).

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  • Future Coach amanda (2013)
    Try jumping with a resistance vest you can handle or use light pair of dumbbells on each hand. Make sure you are landing on a soft surface though (shock absorbing mat, turf, etc).

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