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Top 5 “DON'Ts” of Athlete Weight Loss

Every person who is involved in sports at a professional or amateur level faces situations where they need to lose weight in anticipation of important competitions or to improve their athletic potential. Results in many sports are critically dependent on an athlete's weight balance, so many people strive to get into their perfect shape by focusing not only on increasing muscle strength but also on getting rid of fat reserves.

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There are different ways to approach the weight loss phase depending on the level of the athlete, type of sport and the timeframe in which to achieve optimal body shape. Regardless of the method chosen, it is important that slimming is not harmful to health. The Top Five bans in sports weight loss are waiting for you in this collection.

1. Don't reduce caloric intake too quickly

The “more exercise, less food” strategy is the first thing that comes to mind for inexperienced athletes. However, a professional who has been involved in sports for a long time and understands the processes of metabolism knows that an abrupt transition to a program of large caloric deficit can damage the body and take away all the strength. If there is a change in diet, this process should be carried out systematically and under the supervision of nutritionists. Medical experts at Able offer a unique weight loss product Semaglutide online, which shows excellent results in burning fat tissue. Subscription to the complete program includes an individualized medication and exercise plan and a personalized diet that will take into account proper meal schedules and calorie portions to support weight loss while keeping the best activity levels.

2. Don't exclude macronutrients from the daily diet

Nutritional balance is another important indicator that should not be sacrificed for quick results. Poor diets often exclude entire categories of foods that contain the macro- and micro-nutrients that everybody needs. Fats, proteins, and carbohydrates are all essential for athletes to stay in condition and build strong muscles. Make sure that each meal contains the required minimum nutrients. In addition, many sportsmen will need supplements such as extra protein, keratin, and essential amino acids while on an active training program.

3. Don't ignore the hydration regimen

Water is the basis for a fast and efficient metabolic process. If you want to slim down, don't forget your drinking norms. Dehydration is one of the worst weight loss options for an athlete. After all, if you turn to diuretics and lose weight by “draining” fluids, the body will not have enough blood plasma resources to maintain an active muscle temperature and quickly deliver oxygen to the cells. The body's water balance, on the contrary, will both help to reduce hunger and become the key to fast metabolic processes and efficient burning of fat tissues. Mode of good hydration provides a daily norm of at least 30 ml of liquid per 1 kg of weight. And do not replace water with sodas, juices, or teas. These drinks will only negatively affect weight loss. 

Don't ignore hydrationDon't ignore hydration

4. Don't use extreme weight loss methods

This rapid sports weight loss trend has its origins in the habits of power sports to “dry out” as much as possible before weigh-ins to gain a more favorable position in the tournament standings. And it's no secret that even in professional sports, cheating using aggressive quick weight loss techniques continues to happen. However, it is no news that such extreme methods often lead to the loss of the athlete's high results. After all, starvation, dehydration and so-called “cleansing” of the body bring serious injury to human health. The minimal consequences that await those who have chosen this option are loss of muscle mass, slow metabolism, and reduced endurance. And in the long run, there is even a risk of dangerous diseases and chronic conditions.

5. Don't skip the recovery stage

In any expert slimming program, there is an important stage of keeping to your sleep and rest regimen. In no way should these processes be ignored. This is especially true for athletes who have a training mode and need full recovery. The human body functions according to daily biorhythms, on which the work of the hormonal system directly depends. Sleep deficiency not only reduces productivity but becomes the most dangerous path to the formation of many endocrine diseases. For an athlete to stay in perfect health and have enough energy, sleep and rest should be on the same level of vital priorities. 

Final Words

A responsible attitude should be key for any athlete when it comes to health-related issues. Often, weight loss is a necessary step that athletes are forced to take for the benefit of better results and improved efficiency. But that doesn't mean that these processes can't be done safely. Correct weight loss program, compiled by professionals taking into account the individual characteristics of each person - this is the best way to reduce fat without health risks and with the protection of the best sports abilities.

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