For many sports people, weight loss is one of the most important things that they are concerned about. Performance in many sports can be improved with a lower body mass, not to mention the health benefits and aesthetics of having a lower body weight.

Weight Loss for Sport
- Top 5 “DON'Ts” of Athlete Weight Loss — the top five banned tricks that can have a serious impact on athletic ability.
- Weight Management Strategies in weight category restricted sports, and also Making Weight in a Hurry, tips for making weight in weight restricted sports or events using nutritional strategies.
- Losing Body Weight during the Off Season — the off season is the perfect time for you to lose weight.
- Weight Loss Tips for Athletes [Do’s and Don'ts] — tips and advice for athletes trying to lose weight
- Excessive Weight Loss in Child Athletes — not all weight loss is healthy.
- 5 Ways Athletes Can Lose Weight Safely — tips for athletes to lose weight greadually and safely.
Related Pages
- Weight Loss for Health — everything you need to know for reducing body fat
- Articles on Exercise for weight loss
- Articles on Dieting for weight loss
- Measuring body fat: skinfold measurements
- Go Shopping for the Skinfold Calipers in the Nutrition Store